Grand Bend Public School

$27,000 was given to the Grand Bend Public School to buy such things as Smartboards and new Playground facilities

Local Literacy Projects

Local literacy is a major thrust in Rotary. In order to help this cause, our club has donated $2,500 a year for the many years to local public schools in our area to spend in diversified ways to benefit this cause. Also each year the club donates dictionaries to grade 3 classes.

Grand Bend Turning Circle

The turning circle at the end of Main Street now contains a nautical theme. The vision of Rotarian Ed Fluter and the help of Jim Southcott and many other Grand Bend members who participated in getting the boat and landscaping done. Grand Bend Botanical Society contributed their time, talent and money to make the turning […]

Water Refill Stations

Plastic waste is becoming a huge threat to our lakes and oceans. Every year hundreds of thousands of plastic water bottles are thrown away in this community, and many end up in our beautiful lake. At Autumn Indulgence 2018 we raised $71,900 in a special appeal for water refill stations, to encourage the use of […]